Bis Bravura Wiki


Servants are chosen among the spirits and souls of those who possess qualities that make them stand out among the people of their time; they are the fastest, strongest and most brave of their time. Conquerors of nations, Leaders of men, but also people of great martial ability - almost anyone can earn the title of a hero, and these people are preserved by the world in the event that it needs defending. Upon death these people are placed outside of time, their records along with them. Proof of their deeds in life; these records are called the Akashic Records. These records do not only possess the records of those who are special, but of every man and woman who has walked the earth from the beginning of time and to the end of time. But only those who contain a quality beyond their peers are eligible to answer the call: These are called Heroic Spirits.

Not all Heroic Spirits are necessarily of good heart; Tyrants, Mass murderers, Monsters who are only human in shape - or monsters who are only human in mind. Because along with the heroes, the villains are also preserved: Anti Heroes as time passes and these records lose their clarity, people who did not exist can come into being, and people who were someone else also come into existence. These are called Fake Spirits. All of these are summon-able and eligible to become Servants. To put it a bit more technically, anyone who has become famed could be summoned, but it has to be someone whose legend survived them into our time. Furthermore, the closer to our time it is; the harder it is to be deemed a hero.

These spirits are put into containers; temporary physical shells that represent them at their physical peak in both looks and in feel. That is to say that these shells are made from flesh and blood just like a normal human being. But as spirits and constructs of nothing that assume the shape of a human being, they can disassemble and assemble their bodies at will. This is called Spirit Form, where they become invisible and capable of moving through walls and flying through the air. In this form however, they cannot interact with the real world and perceive it very poorly; it is a state that possesses only an on or off stage. Only full materialization or full demateralization is possible.

Compared to regular humans these shells, and indeed the men and women who they are meant to represent are beyond regular humans, capable of leaping buildings in a single bound, lifting cars and indeed surviving blows that would kill regular humans. More importantly, it is impossible to harm a servant with modern means. While some can be harmed by modern Thaumaturgy, rune magic or alchemy normal means such as firearms, explosions and so on do nada to them.

There are seven classes, the first three being the originals and having earned the nominator of Knight classes. Following them come the rest who have been added over time, these do not possess any nominator beyond their classes, but are considered less likely winners of the wars because they are not Knight classes, the classes are:

  • Saber
  • Archer
  • Lancer
  • Berserker
  • Assassin
  • Caster
  • Rider

It is possible to summon a servant without a catalyst and without knowing the ritual at hand if one possesses a pre drawn ritual. These are drawn rituals are given out at the time of the wars start as prizes for winning the city lottery, and make sure that there always are seven contenders for the grail. These servants are based on being personally compatible with the master.

Command Seals

The three command seals masters are given represent three undeniable commandments one can ask of the servant, allowing them no choice in said matter - the more precise this command is the more powerful it becomes while vague commands can be ignored at will. But there is also another use of the Command seal as it allows the servant to for the duration of the command perform super human feats even beyond the normal ability of servants. These seals have a physical representation somewhere on the body of the master and takes the shape of a three parted symbol in blood red. Upon activation it shines with blinding brilliance. It is the sure way to identify someone as a master. With proper technique it is possible to steal or transfer command seals to other people, or from other people.

A verbal contract is enough to bind a servant to oneself, but there can only be one master. In the event that more then one person works with one servant there can still only be one master, though there exists methods of allowing the servant to get mana from more then one person, such as blood vows or extra bindings and contracts.

It is also possible for the servant to get mana from people by eating their life force. Basically a master can choose to place their servant in a place abundant in mana to easen his own burden.


A stat system is in place to describe the servants physical abilities beyond the human rank. The stat system is only to compare them to other servants. Five things influence a servants stats. their legends Age, their legends Validity, their Master, their Class and who they were in life. For example, someone who became famous as being strong (Hercules) has to have a high stat in strength. However, their validity is hard to determine, so for the sake of simplicity it is disregarded. There are a total of six stats, five of them represent the servant and who they were in life, while the sixth stat represents the power they bring with them into this new life in the form of Noble Phantasms, ostensibly their equipment in life. More on that below.

  • Strength:represents the servant's ability to perform acts of pure strength. The world's strongest man has a E in strength; and thus everything above D is considered beyond human limit. Essentially someone who has A in strength can do all the silly strength related things that superman can do. Like throw aircraft carriers around or swing around with cargo trucks instead of swords.
  • Agility:Represents the servant's ability to perform acts of great agility and dexterity. Once you have agility over D you outperform the world's fastest man. Once you pass over C you can move faster than a mage’s eye can track. (Nullified by certain skills or having higher than average speed yourself) Servants can track up to their own agi stat.
  • Endurance:Represents the servant's ability to perform great acts of endurance, endurance mainly deals with taking damage; first of all a servant who has lower then D in Endurance take double damage from mythical weapons and Noble phantasms, someone who has above C in endurance lower the damage they take from the Noble phantasms by a whole rank.
  • Magical ability:Represents both in simplest of terms the servants own magical proficiency and nature. In practical terms it stands for the magnitude of power of the spells a servant can use, as well as their maximum pool for prana. Also lowers the requirements for servant upkeep, servants with B or higher in this stat use a master rank above that which their master have in the case of a C class master further indepedent action cannot be taken at a higher level then you have a mana stat.
  • Luck: Represents the Servant’s ability to exploit possibilities and make favorable outcomes more likely to happen. This only applies to actions that they make, rather than random factors that are not directly affected by them. (e.g. in basketball, a high-luck Caster is more likely to succeed in 3-point throws, but their teammates’ ability to score doesn’t change)
  • Noble Phantasm: Represents the effectiveness of one's ability to use ones noble phantasm, how little Mana is expended to utilize full name. It does not represent the score of any particular noble phantasm the servant in question is carrying; so that a servant who has an EX noble phantasm could have as weak a NP sore as E--, but this means said servant will be beyond useless with said noble phantasm (saber scenario where she is unable to use it because no Mana.) To use a Noble phantasm of any rank one must possess at least an equivalent score in this stat.

This is how the five things then influence the final stat distribution


Age raises the minimum stat the servant has. Any class that has stats worse then these gets them raised due to the power of the servants legend. This is represented with the Era on the profile of the servant. The timeframe from which you can pick servants is essentially from the beginning of recorded history up to the first world war. Divided into four categories.

  • Post industrials have a minimum stat of G, For example George Washington, Tesla, Rasputin.
  • Pre industrial have a minimum stat of F, For example Napoleon, Francis Drake.
  • Romantical have a minimum stat of E, For example King arthur, The matter of France. Romance of the Three kingdoms, Sengoku Jidai.
  • and Classical have a minimum stat of D, For example Gilgamesh, Greek epics. Genpei Era. The Bible.


Masters and their Master Rank works how it is describe in its own article. But the short version is that Master rank grants more stat points for the servant, the higher the Master Rank the more extra points are given out.

  • B class master gives out 3 points that can't stack more then 2.
  • C class master gives out 2 points that can stack.
  • D class master gives out 1 point into the servants highest score.
  • E class master gives out 1 point into the servants lowest score.

However beyond that, you can favor and dump stats, basically shuffling points around. However you cannot move more then five "points" (I.E ranks) and you cannot stack those more then two points on eachother, And you may not stack those on the same stats as you stacked your MR points on.


Then the Classes come with their own stat blocks, created as a basis for the heroes who inhabit them. These will be listed in their seperate servant entries too, but also listed here for convinience.

Strength Agility Endurance Magical Ability Luck NoblePhantasm


Assassin D B E E B C
Berserker C D D E E D
Caster E E E A C C
Lancer B A C D E B
Rider C B C C D A
Saber A B B C D B


Once you have finished the calculations, you will get your stats in concrete ranks. There are two things to keep in mind about these ranks; there are eight of them and then two modifiers. Namely;

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E
  • F
  • G

And EX.

The modifiers are + /-. they represent that during some occasions (based on luck) you can pretend you have that last little piece that would make it a full rank up, more pluses is good. the minuses work vice versa, so many minuses means that on some occasions you'll get to pretend that you have a full letter below what you actually have. EX is a rank that is outside of the normal parameters, its a stat that is so high that it breaks the system essentially.

EX rank and F / G rank

If your servant would normally breach through A and into EX territory it will not unless it has these things.

First of all no matter what the servant has to be from at least the Romantical age. Then it has to have one of the following things.

Either it can be a Berserker class servant with a B rank or more Madness Enhancer, in which case it can reach into EX in Strength and Endurance.

Or it could have one of the following skills at B rank or more.

For Luck, there is Protection of the Faries.

For Agility there is Disengage.

For Strength there is Monstrous Strength.

For Endurance there is Battle Continuance.

For Noble Phantasm you cannot have your NP stat be EX, however if you possess a EX rank Noble Phantasm, you can utilize it with a Rank of A.

For Magical Abillity there is either of the Magic system skills (High Speed Divine Words, Rune magic, Sacraments or Thaumaturgy).

F and G ranks can only be reached by stacking Dumps, generally speaking a servant who has F or G in stats is basically human in those regards.


Skills are named abilities that the person had in life, they influence things either through brutal stats increase, ability to preform things that cannot be described merely using stats, or other things completely. Some of them are also part of the definition of a class. The different servant classes have different amount of skills varying between 4 to 7. Then to pay for their ranks all heroes have the same set of points namely 37. Class skills do not count towards the maximum amount of skills, and the first rank in them is free. You still have to pay for the other ranks however. You do not have to reach the maximum amount of skills either, as in unless you want to you do not have to build an assassin with 7 skills, instead you may elect to skip out on some skills to raise their level instead.

  • A rank costs 10 points
  • B rank costs 7 points.
  • C rank costs 6 points.
  • D rank costs 5 points.
Archer Assassin Berserker Caster Lancer Rider Saber
6 7 6 7 4 6 5

Master rank also affects skills to some extent, As an identical bonus as the one to stats is also given to skills.

  • B class Master gives 3 points to use for skills.
  • C class Master gives 2 points to use for skills.
  • D class Master gives 1 point to use for skills.
  • However E class masters do not give any skill points at all.

The skills are selected from the USL .

Noble Phantasms

A noble phantasm is, strictly put, an object that is a physical construct that proves that these people are heroes, but they are more then that; they are weapons, shields, armors - curses and blessings that followed these servants through their lives. They are material proof that these people passed into legend, some objects exist outside of their servants legend or gained legends only on their own, These weapons possess an abstraction of their power called a rank, This rank varies depending both on how old it is, and how well known the legend is. By calling on its name, invoking its True Name: one can unleash legendary properties of this weapon. Some of these Noble Phantasms also have passive effects. Generally the only thing stronger than a Noble Phantasm is another Noble Phantasm.

A noble phantasm does not only strike with its physical properties, but also often with conceptual strength. Some might strike with the inevitability of death - others might strike with a surely decided victory. Shields might defend with the strength of a shield which no javelin could ever pierce. Arrows might be fired from a bow that never once missed its target. These concept are lain into the weapons and considered in the rank it receives.

There is however a risk in doing this, as others who know their history could find a weak spot in the true name of the heroes they oppose. Those who know the legend of Achilles might fear him for his invulnerability, but also know that he is capable of being wounded on his heel.


Basically, the Type of the Noble Phantasm is simply put its classification regarding what it is suited to be used against. It is merely a term meant to break down the function of the noble phantasm; there are generally two broad categories of Types.

  • Anti-X
  • Support

Anti-X ranges from Anti-Unit to Anti-World. and serves to illustrate at what scale the attack takes place at, and what sort of thing it can destroy with one hit.

  • Anti-Unit; An attack that is best served against a single target.
  • Anti-Battalion; An attack that is able to target a smaller force of enemies
  • Anti-Army; An attack that can target a large area.
  • Anti-Fortress; An attack that is single target but with over bearing power.

Support Noble Phantasms range from defensive phenomena, such as Perseus Rho Ahias, or curses such as Angra Mainyu's Void Avesta. Basically it is any Noble Phantasm that is not used as an offensive Maneuver.

All items (8)
